You may have heard of Petter A. Stordalen, the founder of Nordic Choice Hotels, now Strawberry. It would be hard to find anyone who loves hotels more than he does. He also loves people, opportunities and action-filled ideas. For example, you might find him dancing 78 metres up in the air outside a hotel façade, or driving a water scooter to the opening of a new hotel. That’s Petter. And that, in a nutshell, is also Strawberry.

From the Northern Lights to the sauna
Strawberry is one of Scandinavia’s largest hotel groups with around 230 hotels in five countries across Scandinavia and the Baltic region. We say ‘around’ purely because this number changes frequently as we add more hotels to our family each year. Most hotels within Strawberry are located in destinations in Sweden and Norway. You will also find some of our hotels in Copenhagen and Helsinki. Finland is the most recent country we’ve moved into, and we’re enjoying ourselves very much here – obviously, since there are saunas everywhere. What’s not to like? Last but not least, we have one hotel in Vilnius (Lithuania).
A room in the city centre, or a spa deep in the mountains
Our three hotel chains are named Comfort Hotel®, Quality Hotel™ and Clarion Hotel®, with each chain encompassing a range of hotels. We also have twenty or so independent hotels. Rather than forming part of our larger chains, these unique hotels are really destinations in themselves due to their location, design or facilities – such as beautiful, spacious spas.
As a member of Strawberry, you can earn and spend bonus points at all four groups of hotels.
We hope you will choose our hotels when travelling or staying in hotels in your home town, whether for business or pleasure. You’re always welcome, regardless of the reason for your stay! One tip: if you’re likely to stay at one of our hotels more than once, it makes sense to become a member of Strawberry. Why? The short answer is that you get more for your money and a better guest experience.