
West Pride 2018 in Gothenburg: ”It was a magical atmosphere”

West Pride in Gothenburg was a huge success. EuroPride 2018 was arranged together with Stockholm Pride. On August the 18th, the great Pride Parade took off and once again Gothenburg’s avenues and streets were turned into a colourful celebration of love. "Gothenburg drowns you in love", said MingelMartin, representing Strawberry.

The West Pride parade in Gothenburg
Were you one of the 25,000 people who marched in this year’s West Pride parade?

The entertainment personality Martin ”MingelMartin” Edlund, who works at Clarion® Hotel Stockholm, held several events at our hotels during the parades in Stockholm and Gothenburg. (MingelMartin list the highlights here from Stockholm Pride)

Martin described the atmosphere at this year’s West Pride in a lyrical fashion:

– It was the first time I was at West Pride in Gothenburg and it was an amazing experience. Just like in Stockholm, Gothenburg drowned you in with love, and although the parade is much smaller than in Stockholm, it was a magical atmosphere. I LOVE GOTHENBURG!, says Martin.

The festival took place from the 14th to 19th of August 2018 and in addition to the big parade, the festivals were filled with debates, workshops, concerts and shows. Visitors could also enjoy art exhibitions, a pool party and drop-in weddings.

MingelMartin (left) during this 2018’s West Pride parade.

The best pictures from the West Pride parade in Gothenburg

Were you one of the 25,000 people who marched in this year’s West Pride parade or did you celebrate the participants from the streets and squares along the parade route? Whether you were on site and experienced this year’s West Pride and EuroPride or not, we have collected the best pictures from the parade in Gothenburg below.
Will we see you next year?

Strawberry – proud partner of Pride

At Strawberry we welcome you just the way you are. We are convinced that the diversity of our guests and employees contributes to creating unique hotel experiences and magical meetings. Diversity makes us better. Our door is always open. We have #roomforall .

Read all about Pride and Strawberry here

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