Issues showing availability for Home Hotel

Currently we are unable to show any availability for Home Hotel. We are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible!


Partner offers

Do you need careers advice or study guidance?

Karrierehuset offers careers advice and study guidance to people who are out of work, looking to change careers or need help in planning their studies. You can now earn Spenn when you buy careers services from Karrierehuset.

Since it was founded in 2016, Karrierehuset has been part of the Career Star Group, a global leader in career guidance and outplacement. If you’re in the midst of changing your career, you’re currently out of work, or you need some other kind of career or study guidance, Karrierehuset is ready to help you.

Main image Karrierehuset

Earn 5 Spenn per 10 kronor spent at Karrierehuset

Karrierehuset has helped thousands of people to quickly find a new job or receive guidance on their studies. Find out more about what Karrierehuset has to offer here!

Karrierehuset offers professional guidance and will give you an effective strategy on how to find your next job or provide help in planning your studies. The services offered include various careers packages, interview training and study guidance. You can also book a free careers session with a certified coach. All guidance can either be conducted physically in one of Karrierehuset’s offices in Oslo, or digitally via Zoom.

You will earn 5 Spenn per 10 kronor at Karrierehuset. The Spenn will be displayed on your account once the purchase has been registered. Find out more about the various packages and what they include, and book via the link below.