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Celebrate Pride with us – we have room for all!

Strawberry is a proud sponsor of Pride across the Nordics and it has been a proud main sponsor in the Nordic capital cities Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen and Helsinki, for many years now. Why? Because diversity and inclusion are two of our core values, which we strive to live by every single day. It makes life better in every way, both for our wonderful colleagues and our dear guests. We make sure that there is room for all regardless of your sexual orientation, gender identity, beliefs, ethnicity or ability – and we encourage everyone to support Pride and join in the festivities. 

We work hard to promote equality and equal opportunities – regardless of who you are or who you love. Our equality efforts are not limited to the annual Pride Week. Our work continues all throughout the year, and year after year, to ensure equal opportunities in recruitment processes, information and skills training among employees, and a comprehensively inclusive culture that takes a tough stance on discrimination. At the same time, we must also make room for those with different beliefs, and allow open and respectful debate – without compromising our values and principles. Our Pride flags are always held high in support of this important movement.


What's on at Strawberry?

Coming up:

Helsinki – Clarion Hotel® Helsinki: Pride Queerlesque – 26 June 2024
Stockholm – Clarion Hotel® Stockholm: Pride Pool Party – 29 July 2024
Stockholm – Clarion Hotel® Sign: Rainbow Cocktail Party – 30 July 2024
Uppsala – Clarion Hotel® Gillet: Pride After Party – 7 September 2024


Gothenburg – Clarion Hotel® Draken: West Pride Party – 12 June 2024
Gothenburg – Clarion Hotel® Post: After Pride Party – 15 June 2024

Everything you need to know about Pride!

How much do you really know about the Pride movement?

What does the flag represent, what are the most famous songs and what significant events have made Pride what it is today?

Find out more about Pride
Pride at Strawberry

How do we promote equality and diversity at Strawberry?

Are you interested in working with us or are you keen to discover how we foster a solid company culture based on strong principles and values? Then go ahead and read these interviews with a few of our colleagues!

See what our colleagues have to say!

Strong voices in the Pride movement

Be inspired by people who fight for equal rights and opportunities every day

Carolin’s father came out late in life – now they are a team

What happens when you don’t have control over changes to your own life? What can be done when families are divided and one parent suddenly comes out as gay? For Carolin Solskär (27), a turbulent period eventually resulted in an important announcement that provided answers to many of her questions.


Carolin's story & advice to others

Proud Parents: “It’s so important with good role models"

We have met with the Swedish network organisation Stolta föräldrar till HBTQ-barn (Proud Parents of LBGT Children) and have received valuable tips from parents who have been through the "coming out" process. 

Read the interview with Stolta föräldrar

Throwback to past Pride celebrations

Record numbers attending Stockholm Pride

600,000 people lined the streets of Stockholm

See the pictures and read about the highlights of Stockholm Pride/Europride 2018. Interview with Pride celebrity "MingelMartin" and exclusive pictures of the parade!

See the best pics here
West Pride in Gothenburg

The people of Gothenburg overwhelm you with love!

So, what did you miss? What were the highlights. Find out all the most important facts about West Pride here.

See the best images 25
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