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The Fortress Hotel & Resort Kongsvinger ,  Norway

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The Fortress Hotel & Resort

Kongsvinger,  Norway

The Fortress Hotel & Resort is beautifully situated in central Kongsvinger, within the fortress walls of the Øvrebyen garrison town. This historic hotel features meeting rooms and a restaurant. Guests can enjoy a unique stay in a unique setting!

The Fortress Hotel & Resort 3.4 5
TripAdvisor traveller rating  

TripAdvisor traveller rating

41 reviews
Sleep Quality

Nice view and a nice room. But...

Friday, July 23, 2021, Stockholm, Sweden, Someishere

The hotel is part of Kongsvinger Castle. Really excellent rooms, large and spacious but with lighting fixtures that were so sophisticated that we must have help turning on and off the lighting in the…

The hotel is part of Kongsvinger Castle. Really excellent rooms, large and spacious but with lighting fixtures that were so sophisticated that we must have help turning on and off the lighting in the room! The three-course dinner that the hotel offered was tasty, but the strange thing was that they did not have any printed menus. The person who took the order did not know for sure what was included in the menu! She worked as a waitress in the evening and cleaned hotel rooms in the morning and put all the laundry in the elevator so it could not be used for the guests. The big disadvantage was that the hotel is located at such a height that you have to lug all your luggage up a steep uphill slope for maybe 100 meters. A car could be driven up in an emergency, but in that case you were forced to drive through two gates where one was so narrow that there was a risk of damaging the car. The location in the city meant that you had a wonderful view but at the same time it was not walkable. At the same time, the walk to the hotel was strenuous and the air conditioning that had been needed in the room, and which was also promised when booking on, was not available! The bathroom had frosted glass walls, which meant that the whole room was lit up at night during bathroom visits, which made it difficult for the other person to sleep. The breakfast was served on the table and consisted of fruit, vegetables and salami etc. For the vegetarian, there was no alternative. To recommend? Yes, for those who find it easy to walk up steep slopes (even with luggage) and who find it easy to sleep even though the whole room was lit up during a night visit to the bathroom.
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A bit pricy, but worth it all

Saturday, February 09, 2019, Kristiansand, Norway, KongHans1

Are you interested in old history? Want to stay at a historic place, have a nice breakfast from tables covered with white cloths made of real fabric, and served by friendly and serviceminded staff? An…

Are you interested in old history? Want to stay at a historic place, have a nice breakfast from tables covered with white cloths made of real fabric, and served by friendly and serviceminded staff? And no traffic noice at all? This is the place! Despite small rooms (you can always upgrade), and easy to listen in to what is going on in the next room, and the fact that you have to walk some hundred meters from the (free) parking lot nearby, I highly recommend this hotel. (Funny that my GPS-device showed me a route to another hotel in town when Festningen was asked for, so stay alert:)) It could even be better to stay there in summertime, albeit tpetrhaps more noisy.
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Nice location

Wednesday, August 02, 2017, Oslo, Norway, CoSuJa

The hotel has a very nice location within the fortress. The rooms are located in an old, but nicely renovated building, The room was clean and nice, but nothing special. The breakfast is served in ano…

The hotel has a very nice location within the fortress. The rooms are located in an old, but nicely renovated building, The room was clean and nice, but nothing special. The breakfast is served in anorther builing across the courtyard, the breakfast was good, but the buffet is not very big. Quite expensive.
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Verste hotellet jeg har besøkt i mitt liv

Friday, November 08, 2024, , Asim H

Elendig beliggenhet, frekke ansatte, elendig frokost og verste av alt er at hotellsjefen er en profosjonell svindler, styr langt unna dette hotellet! Skulle oppholde meg her i syv uker i forbindelse m…

Elendig beliggenhet, frekke ansatte, elendig frokost og verste av alt er at hotellsjefen er en profosjonell svindler, styr langt unna dette hotellet! Skulle oppholde meg her i syv uker i forbindelse med jobb, siden jeg har turnus arbeid så var jeg så uheldig at jeg fikk rom ut mot byggeplass slikt at det var konstant bråk fra 07:00 - 08:00 om morgenen til veldig seint på kvelden. Hotellsjefen og jeg inngikk avtale før booking om at kveldsmat og frokost skulle være inkludert i prisen. Det viste seg at etter bare to uker så hadde hotellet ikke råd til å gi meg mer enn to tørre brødskiver til kveldsmat.  Resepsjonen pleier å være stengt mellom 23:00 - 07:00 så hvis man begynte tidlig på jobb så burde man få matpakke på kvelden i forveien, jeg fikk ikke matpakke slikt det var avtalt, jeg hadde avtalt med hotellet at de dagene jeg ikke rakk frokost pga tidlige vakter så skulle jeg få ferdig smørt matpakke og ved fire anledninger så fikk jeg ikke matpakke, selvom jeg ga beskjed i god tid. Når man bestilte matpakke for dagen etterpå ved tidlig vakt fikk man aldri det man bestilte, enten fikk jeg kjøttpålegg som de fikk klar beskjed om at jeg ikke spiste ellers så fikk jeg kun to tørre brødskiver med ost selvom når jeg ba om kokte egg ved siden av, det var tydeligvis for mye å be om. Mens jeg oppholdt meg så rengjorde personalet rommet sjeldent, kanskje to ganger iløpet av tre uker, jeg måtte flere ganger be dem om å tømme søpla, og få nye håndklær hver dag. Det var utfordring i seg selv å henge håndklær der siden det ikke var noe sted å henge håndklærne på badet.  Det regnet konstant i tre uker og dem hadde ikke paraply til utlån, dette var veldig rart siden dette er en fire stjerners hotell og alle de fleste hoteller har paraply til utlån, så regnet jeg med at dette hotellet hadde noe paraply til utlån, men fikk da bare frekt svar om at dem ikke hadde til utlån. Etter flere negative hendelser, ble jeg ordentlig lei og valgte dermed å flytte til ett annet og mye bedre hotell i området. Dette tålte visst ikke svindleren(hotellsjefen) og var tydelig forbanna over å ha mistet lett tjent inntekt at han var så frekk og satte opp matpakker som tillegg på regninga selvom det var avtalt at jeg fikk dette som inkludert frokost siden jeg ikke rakk frokost pga tidlige vakter, og det verste av alt var at han satte inn falske middager og drikke på romservice i fakturaen for å lure til seg mest mulig penger. Dette hadde jeg ikke bestilt som romservice! Så regn med å bli lurt for noe man ikke har bestilt, så hvis dere tenker å ha fin hyggelig opphold her så er det bare å glemme for her lager de bare problemer og hodebry. Så hold dere langt unna dette hotellet!
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Sosial dumping av ansatte som ser utrolig slitne ut.

Monday, April 08, 2024, , Svein L

Styr unna , dette hotellet har sosial dumping som motto. Jeg og min kone skulle kose oss her en langhelg. Det ble langt fra koselig. Rommene holder max 2 stjerner. Frokost var uspiselig gammel restema…

Styr unna , dette hotellet har sosial dumping som motto. Jeg og min kone skulle kose oss her en langhelg. Det ble langt fra koselig. Rommene holder max 2 stjerner. Frokost var uspiselig gammel restemat . Samme servitør hvert måltid. De ansatte som serverte fortalte oss om begredlige arbeidsvilkår og overarbeid. Middagen var laget av folk som overhodet IKKE er kokker. Nei hit skal vi aldri tilbake. Anbefales IKKE å dra hit!
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