We hope to see you soon at the Quality Hotel Augustin! Below you'll find a list of frequently asked questions for those of you planning a stay at the hotel. Please don't hesitate to contact us in case you have any further queries.
If you're arriving by car, we recommend you to park in the Leütenhaven garage.
The price is 49 NOK per hour or 285 NOK for 24 hours.
Luggage storage
The hotel has a luggage room where you can store your belongings before and after your stay.
Our free WiFi can be accessed from anywhere in the hotel. Just ask the reception for the access code or log in using your membership number. It really couldn't be easier!
Cash-free hotel
The Quality Hotel Augustin is a cash-free hotel. This provides a safer working environment for our staff as it reduces the risk of theft and burglary. It also means that we have more time to spend on taking care of our guests. For guests it means faster and more secure payments. We accept all major debit and credit cards. Please contact us for more information.