We hope to you soon at the Clarion Hotel Örebro! Below you'll find a list of frequently asked questions for those of you planning a stay at our hotel. Please don't hesitate to contact us in case you have any further queries.
Does the hotel have parking?
The Clarion Hotel® Örebro offers parking at the hotel for 220 SEK/night. You can also charge electric vehicles here. Reserve your parking space on pair.se/clorebro. Keycard will be provided to you after you have checked in. The maximum vehicle height permitted is 2 metres.
Can I store my luggage at the hotel?
We provide a luggage room for storage of your luggage before and after your stay.
Is there WiFi at the hotel?
All our hotel rooms and public areas have free wireless Internet access. Access codes are available in the reception.
What kinds of extras do you offer for an extra special stay?
We offer a VIP welcome package including little extras to made your stay feel even more luxurious! So, if you would like flowers, champagne, chocolate or something else delivered to your room, please get in touch. We're more than happy to provide suggestions and ideas!
Can I upgrade my room?
Fancy an extra special stay in a suite? Find out more about the Clarion Hotel Örebro's suites here >>.
Is the hotel suitable for families?
Absolutely! Children can look forward to an extra warm welcome here at the Clarion Hotel Örebro. We have a spacious family room with bunk beds, and also offer families with older children the opportunity to book an extra double room. During the summer, children also receive a little welcome present upon arrival.
What's on at the hotel?
You'll find more information about what's happening at the Clarion Hotel Örebro in our What's On calendar.
Can I pay with cash at the hotel?
The Clarion Hotel Örebro is a cash-free hotel. This provides a safer working environment for our staff as it reduces the risk of theft and burglary. It also means that we have more time to spend on taking care of our guests. For guests it means faster and more secure payments. Please contact us for more information.